All Events at Rod Library
On-Going Events
(Events run all day unless time listed)
Kids’ Zone Youth Collection- until 3 p.m. (3rd floor)
Puppet Theatre Youth Collection (3rd floor)
Friendly Meeple & Panther Table Top Board Games TLC Area (2nd floor)
Panther E-Sports Room 301 (3rd floor)
Tarot, Palm Readings, Runes, and More (3rd floor lounge)
Swag Table TLC Desk (2nd floor)
Quiet Room 324 (3rd floor)
Dark Vassal Gaming (4th floor)
Duck Hunt
Escape Room 378 (3rd Floor) & Room 286 (2nd floor)
Art Wall (2nd floor)
Photo Booth (2nd floor)
Ghostbuster Cars (Outside)
Society for Creative Anachronism (Outside)
Questing Queers (2nd Floor)
9:30-10 a.m.
UNI Bateria de Samba (Outside West side of Library near Campanile)
UNI Pep Band (Outside East side of the Library near Union)
10:00 a.m.
D & D Character Building
Pirate Borg Naval Combat and Exploration
11:00 a.m.
Students of the American Chemical Society Demonstration
Peanuts Trivia Room 287
11:30 a.m.
Kids/Teen Costume Contest (Stage)
D & D Trivia Room 287
UNI Guild of Carillonneurs (Outside West side of Library)
1 p.m.
Magic with Dr. Z (Stage)
The Power of Storytelling Room 287
UNI Swordfighting North Side of Library Outside
Pirate Borg Dungeon Crawl
1:30 p.m.
D & D Campaign Outside Youth 3rd Floor
2 p.m.
Trivia-Sanrio Room 287
So You Want to Be a Stormtrooper (Stage)
3 p.m.
Adult Costume Contest (Stage)